How to manage stress and get better sleep to boost your immune system.
Previously, we’ve learned about our incredible natural ability to fight pathogens also known as germs. We’ve also discovered what depletes our immune system sometimes.
We’ve looked at how we can boost immunity with exercise, as an important factor and why sometimes overexertion can be too much for the immune system.
Now let’s consider some ways to manage stress. Most of us live in a permanent state of stress and are running on adrenaline. It’s called ‘’fight or flight response’’. We’re tired so we drink more coffee, often need alcohol, sugar or other substances or habits to wind down, then we often can’t sleep. We don’t take time for our wellbeing, and we become exhausted.
Being in ‘’fight or flight’’ mode for prolonged periods of time causes fatigue and depletes the organs. Our nervous system never rests. It’s also known as a burnout and when this happens, your body or mind might not endure the overload and disease happens. It’s like your body says, “you aren’t going anywhere until you’ve taken proper TIME OUT to look after yourself” That time can be a few days, weeks, or months, even years. In most cases, we don’t even realize it. We’re so used to such a state, that we think that it’s a normal ‘’side effect’’ of a busy life. But it doesn’t have to be this way, as burnout is completely preventable and only happens when we don’t take care of ourselves. This is why Rest by GOE is dedicated to helping you manage stress, avoid illness and find the happiness in your life, which when all is said and done is what we all really want.
Therefore, to boost immunity, we want to get our body out of the stress response and into the relaxation response for most of the time. Eventually if we spend too much time in the stress response our immune system fails, and we get sick. And because this side is the new norm for us, we develop routines and relationships that don’t help. For some of us, the only time we are in the relaxation response is when we are taking comfort in habits, tendencies or even addictions which give us these feelings artificially.
Sadly, too many of us go through this at some time over our lives.
Let’s look at what we can do to avoid getting stuck in the stress response and find that balance where we are in the relaxation response most of the time. This is not only a great way to a happier life, but we’ll find ourselves with more energy, thinking more positively, and fending off germs and viruses.
We really can have our own meaning to the words FIGHTING FIT!!
A little regular practice will really train the mind to think differently in stressful times. It’s not as hard as you think because there are so many choices.
Whenever we feel overpowering emotions, we naturally visit the stress response. Increasing our awareness of this - either the physical sensations in the body or catching the negative thoughts, will really help us to stop stress from spinning out of control. We can’t avoid stress ultimately, but we can react differently to it.
This is called mindfulness and it’s one of the reasons why practices like yoga and meditation continue to become even more popular. And is very different to just doing something else as a distraction.
Let’s not forget our breath - did you know that you’re only 7 deep breaths from relaxation response! Just stepping back and breathing can make all the difference to your emotional state and eventually your life.
Checkout some of the short practices available on this channel and our other social media channels and give them a try. Please let us know what you do to manage stress in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!
Now we’ll share why sleep is imperative to maintain a healthy immune system and what you can do to improve yours. And of course, you can subscribe to learn more about how you can manage stress, feel better and be happier every day.
The body rests, recovers and builds new cells whilst we sleep. That includes the cells of the immune system. These are called T cells. They protect your body from bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancerogenic cells.
Results of a study at the University of Tübingen, Germany shows that sleep enhances the efficiency of T cell responses, that is the ability of them to fight off what could potentially harm your body.
Dr Dimitrov who conducted the study says that adrenaline and noradrenaline (the stress hormones) reduce the stickiness of these immune cells. But when we are asleep, the stress hormones are reduced and therefore the T-cells can function really well.
If we are sleeping well, we’re spending about a third of our 24-hour day in slumber so it must be important! However, 1 in 5 adults in the UK say that they struggle to sleep well each night and in the US they estimate 1 in 3. We clearly have a problem here if sleep problems can contribute to reduced immunity.
If you’re having issues with the quality or quantity of your sleep, there is so much you can do to help yourself. It can take time to see results but it’s worth it and will last. Always try to take a long-term view.
Let’s take a look at what you can do to improve your sleep and therefore not only support the immune system but improve the quality of your daily life.
Try Yoga, you might see the difference even after just one class. Yoga takes the body into the relaxation response and that replaces adrenaline and cortisol with endorphins (which are like painkillers) and serotonin (the mood stabilizers) which not only puts your body in the perfect place for healing but helps to relax the mind for a better sleep as well.
Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin which is released by the pineal gland in the brain and makes you feel sleepy. Think about the end of your day and how you can make it more relaxing. What keeps you awake or wakes you up at night? Make small adjustments to these slowly. For example, if you find that you’re getting up several times during the night to go to the toilet, have your last big drink at least two hours before bed.
Reduce caffeine intake during the day and try not to drink any caffeinated drinks after 4pm. Make sure your room is dark and aired. You can try some herbal remedies if it feels comfortable for you, for example herbal teas.
If you don’t exercise, try to be more active. Several studies prove that being active supports better sleep and directly impacts your immune system in a positive way. This way - you get 2 in 1 :)
You can also try a meditation app or check out a music app. There is lots of relaxing music on there to suit all tastes and even bedtime stories. Use all these resources like an experiment and find what works well for you.
When you are looking at ways to improve your sleep yourself take things easy. Do just one thing at a time. They say it takes on average 21 days to build a new habit. Some will be easier than others.
Gradually introduce a healthy bedtime routine into your life. And us here at Rest by Gardens can help! Subscribe now to get the very latest information and short practices that can help you with sleep and other aspects of wellness that will support and strengthen your immune system.
Please, let us know in the comments about how you sleep and any tips and tricks you have found helpful for sleep struggles.
Until next time, sleep well and try to stress less :)