20g dried mushrooms
100g wild mushrooms
30g frozen peas
200g risotto rice
2 Bay leaves
1 white onion
2 clove garlic
10g butter
20g parmesan
20 ml non-alcohol white wine
Put dried mushrooms in a pot with 300ml of water and simmer for 30 minutes.
Dice onions and mince the garlic.
Heat a pan up with a little oil add in the onion and garlic.
Cook for 2 minutes, then add in the risotto rice, Bay leaves and cook for 1 more minute. Add in the white wine and mushroom stock.
Cook for 15 minutes while stirring. Add in salt and pepper to taste.
Knowing the risotto cooking, slice the mushrooms to a nice size, heat up a frying pan and a little oil and cook mushrooms for 4 to 5 minutes then add to the risotto rice.
When the Risotto is almost ready add in the parmesan, butter & peas. mix well and check for seasoning. Then serve.
Wild Mushroom and Pea Risotto - Serves 2
This recipe is high in sodium
Nutritional Information per Serving
Calories per Serving 472
Grams % Daily Value*
Total Fat 5.9 3%
Saturated Fat 2.6 10%
Cholestrol 0.0113 4%
Sodium 1.15 50%
Total Carbohydrates 92.5 19%
Dietry Fibre 5.4 18%
Sugars 4.9 1%
Protein 12.2 2%
Calcium 14%
Iron 4%
Potassium 6%
Vitamin A 5%
Vitamin C 10%
* % Based on a 2000 calorie diet. The % daily value shows the consumer how much each macronutrient (carbs, proteins and fats) contributes to a daily diet of 2000 cal. This is generalized and is provided to serve as an overall guide to calorie consumption. Percentages are therefore dependent on total caloric intake per person. Percentage for all remaining nutrients, vitamins and minerals is percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance