Fruit Base
Crumble Base
Peach Crumble - Serves 2
This recipe is high in saturated fats owing to the coconut oil
Nutritional Information per Serving
Calories per Serving 356
Grams % Daily Value*
Total Fat 21.8 10%
Saturated Fat 16.9 68%
Cholestrol 0 0%
Sodium 0.0159 1%
Total Carbohydrates 35 7%
Dietry Fibre 6 20%
Sugars 19.3 4%
Protein 5 1%
Calcium 36%
Iron 12%
Potassium 7%
Vitamin A 24%
Vitamin C 10%
* % Based on a 2000 calorie diet. The % daily value shows the consumer how much each macronutrient (carbs, proteins and fats) contributes to a daily diet of 2000 cal. This is generalized and is provided to serve as an overall guide to calorie consumption. Percentages are therefore dependent on total caloric intake per person. Percentage for all remaining nutrients, vitamins and minerals is percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance